Turn Customer Service into Your Strongest Asset

Let AI handle routine tasks so your team can build lasting relationships with your customers

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67% reduction in cost per ticket

3X improvement in resolution rate

72% resolution rate in 3 weeks

Feels like talking to a human

AI agents rely on the latest LLMs to understand the and nuances of human interaction, offering an intuitive and empathetic experience that elevates customer satisfaction.

Lifelike Real time voice AI

Our voice AI feels natural and easy, responding in just 800ms so it feels like a real conversation. It handles interruptions smoothly, ensuring customers always feel heard and valued.

Full-Circle Engagement

Our AI agents seamlessly coordinate with all parties, from customer to delivery courier, ensuring everyone is on the same page and contributing to a smoother, more efficient process.

Complex problem solving

Human-level reasoning enables AI agents to take the necessary actions to address the root causes that led your customers to contact support in the first place.

Seamless collaboration with team

AI agents work hand-in-hand with your team, handling routine inquiries and freeing up your human agents to focus on more complex and rewarding tasks. This synergy boosts efficiency and improves the retention of your team.